Root Chakra

Muladhara – Basic Sense of Security


Root Chakra Advice

Click through to view my selection of items to help balance your root chakra

When strengthening, we need to start with a stable base. I often focus my work with beginning clients on strengthening the core muscles. Of course, the core is not just ‘abs’, its also all the way down to your transverse abdominus and pelvic floor. A central fitness training principle is to “straighten before you strengthen”: this involves posture and the core. The root chakra is a logical place to base everything from.

Affirmations: We have a right to be here, deeply rooted and standing on our own two feet. Challenges help us grow and transform. Life’s goodness gives us what we need. Connected with nature, we are open to possibilities. We honor our values and truth with healthy food, clean water, exercise, and relaxation.

Psychology: Freud’s Oral Stage (0 – 1 years old): Satisfaction and enjoyment is gotten through things going in the mouth, Erikson’s Stage 1 (Trust vs Mistrust): Trust (or mistrust) that basic needs, such as nourishment and affection, will be met; Maslow’s Physiological Needs: breathing, food, water, shelter, sleep. The root chakra gives us courage, resourcefulness, and the will to live. It also carries our ancestral challenges and subconscious generational patterns.

Colors: Red, Black. The colors of blood, life, passion, anger. We have to transform our anger into a positive force of justice. How can we do this? Depression is anger turned inwards. Don’t be angry at yourself. Use anger to create positive change towards our truth. Anxiety, frustration, rage, depression, and resentment are unhealthy expressions of anger. Transform your anger into passion, love, and determination.

Crystals: Garnet, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Bloodstone

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense, Black Pepper, Spikenard, Patchouli, Vetiver, Sandalwood (caution, many of these are ‘hot’ oils and are dangerous to pets and bare human skin, but especially harmful to birds)

Music: Chanting the sound Lam (when chanting, focus on the vibrations inside your body made by the production of this sound), songs in the key of C, 396 Hz

Herbs: Dandelion root, ginger, sage, paprika, annatto

Red Foods: Apples, Cherries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Pomegranates, Rhubarb, Blood Oranges, Watermelon, Plums, Chili Peppers, Bell Peppers, Beets, Radishes, Tomatoes, Cranberries, Kidney Beans, Adzuki Beans, Red Beans,

Exercises: Pelvic Floor (Kegels), Activating the core (transverse abdominus), Diaphragmatic Breathing

Yoga Poses: Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana), Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Body parts: Legs, feet, sacrum (tailbone), immune system

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